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What other uses are there for a juicer?

Juicers are more than just juicers. According to the research of juicer, household juicer has many functions. It can not only squeeze fresh vegetable juice, but also squeeze soy milk, ground meat, grind chili powder, and grind various beans and rock sugar that have not been soaked. If you like to drink soy milk or fresh juice, or if you often cook your own meals, a juicer is a good choice. It is inexpensive and cost-effective. In addition to drinking fresh soy milk every day, you can also squeeze some celery carrot juice or tomato juice to drink, which is more convenient when cooking.
Eating fruit is better than drinking juice. Fruit juice contains a lot less nutrients than fruit. When the fruit is pressed into juice, the pulp and membrane are removed. In the process, vitamin C, which you must consume in large quantities, is also greatly reduced. If the fruit itself contains very few vitamins, such as apples, then, in this process, the vitamins are almost completely eliminated.
In addition to extracting juices such as apple juice, pear juice, and sugarcane juice, the juicer can also be used to make dumplings. Squeeze and chop with your hands. At this time, you can remove the boiled radish slices from the water, put them into the juicer, squeeze out the excess water, and then process them, which is labor-saving and convenient. So is there a lot of uses for a juicer?
Juicers can indeed bring convenience and speed to our lives. Some people do not like to eat fruit but like to drink juice, so a juicer becomes a good helper for them. The popularity of the juicer represents the improvement of our living standards, and more and more attention is paid to health care. The nutrients of fruits will be lost when they are extracted, so if it is to absorb the nutrients of fruits, it is recommended to eat fruits.